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dc.contributor.authorDuff, Orlaith
dc.identifier.citationOrlaith Duff, 'A Study to Investigate the Factors that Influence Primary School Children's Participation in Physical Activity Outside of School Hours', [Thesis], 2019-05
dc.descriptionProfessional Master of Education (P.M.E.)
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this research project is to determine the factors that influence primary school children’s participation in physical activity outside of school. A cross sectional mixed methods approach was used in this study. Participants included eighty-nine 5th and 6th class pupils aged 10-12 years old. A questionnaire was used to ascertain students’ motivations and barriers to participation in physical activity outside of school hours. A smaller sub sample (n=35) of those who completed the questionnaire took part in focus groups. The focus groups were semi-structured in nature, with questions based on social cognitive theory. “I like to have fun,” “I like being on a team” “I want to learn new skills” and “I like the teamwork” were the children’s top motivators for participation in physical activity. 12.3% of participants cited lack of energy as a barrier to participation in physical activity, while only 4.4% believed lack of skill was a barrier. More robust findings relating to barriers were found during the focus groups. The children cited a lack of motivation, busy schedules, feelings of incompetence and the cost of sports clubs as impediments to participation. By determining the factors that influence participation this will help teachers, coaches and sports clubs understand children’s reasons for participation, so that structures can be put in place to best support children’s physical activity choices.
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories
dc.subject.lcshPhysical activity
dc.subject.lcshSocial cognitive theory
dc.subject.lcshStudent motivation
dc.subject.lcshStudent barrier
dc.subject.lcshPrimary school
dc.titleA Study to Investigate the Factors that Influence Primary School Children's Participation in Physical Activity Outside of School Hours
dc.publisher.institutionMarino Institute of Education
dc.type.qualificationlevelLevel 9
dc.type.qualificationnameProfessional Master of Education

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