Now showing items 21-39 of 39

    • The genetic improvement of the Irish cattle population 

      Cunningham, E. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1966)
      The dominant position of the cattle industry in the national economy does not need to be stressed. The 1.5 million cows and 14,000 bulls in the country and their progeny are both the raw material for much of the output of ...
    • A half century of fertiliser and lime use in Ireland 

      Walsh, T.; Ryan, P. F.; Kilroy, J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1957)
      The importance of a satisfactory supply of nutrient elements and lime, in soils, is now universally recognised as one of the major factors in crop production. When a crop, either tillage or pasture, is harvested from a ...
    • The Irish export trade in butter, with special reference to the regulations of the Cork market 

      Bastable, C. F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1882)
      At a period like the present, when more interest than usual is felt in all inquiries as to the nature and amount of our industrial resources, I have thought that it would not be out of place to call the attention of this ...
    • The nationalization of the land 

      Shaw, James J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      The questions raised in Mr. George's book, Progress and Poverty, are so many and so large that to discuss them adequately would require a book at least as large as his own. 1 propose to deal this evening only with the main ...
    • The nature and causes of the farm income problem 

      Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1982)
      In the current debate on national economic issues, the very grave situation that exists in the agricultural sector has tended to be regarded as of concern only to the farming community. While the impact of the current ...
    • Notes on the statistics of waste lands in Ireland 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      In consequence of many published statements by public speakers, newspaper writers, essayists, and writers in reviews, with reference to the relative amount of Irish land which is out of use, I have thought it advisable to ...
    • Notice of some points in Irish agricultural statistics 

      Connolly, James (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      I now wish to make a brief communication of a most important and interesting discovery, if I may so call it, which I think I have made with regard to agricultural statistics. In poring over Thorn's article on the latter, ...
    • On some of the difficulties in the way of creating a peasant proprietary in Ireland 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
      The enquiry, commenced last session, at the instance of Mr. Shaw Lefevre, into the working of the Bright Clauses of the Land Act, and the interest shown in the sales of the Church Temporalities Commissioners, suggested ...
    • On the cultivation of tobacco in Ireland 

      Walker, John A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1885)
      Some years ago the cultivation of tobacco in Ireland was advocated in the press and in parliament, and the question: What was the hindrance to the cultivation of the plant in this country? was put to the Chancellor of the ...
    • On the economic theory of rent 

      O'Brien, Murrough (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      In a recent number of the Contemporary Review, Professor Bonamy Price, under the title of ?What is Rent?? gave an explanation of rent, its ?nature? and ?character?. He limited his explanation to agricultural rent, which ...
    • On the effects of the law of distress and the feudal rule as regards improvements in the relations between landlord and tenant 

      Sproule, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      The laws affecting the relations between landlord and tenant have so frequently been discussed by the members of the Statistical Society, that some curiosity may naturally be excited by the subject being again brought ...
    • On the preservation of the seed of the flax plant in Ireland 

      Malley, George Orme (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      Although many treatises have been written, and many speeches delivered in this country within the last few years by landlords and agriculturists on the cultivation of flax, yet few have thought it worth their while to ...
    • On the prospects of the manufacture of sugar from beet-root in Ireland 

      Hancock, W. Neilson (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1878)
      Between 1869 and 1876 an experiment was tried in Ireland of the manufacture of sugar from beet-root, which turned out unprofitable as a pecuniary speculation. When the failure occurred, it was suggested by a gentleman of ...
    • The pilot area development programme 

      Scully, John J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1968)
      In 1961, the Minister for Agriculture set up an informal committee which included representatives of the Departments of Agriculture, Finance, Gaeltacht and Lands, the Central Statistics Office, and An Foras Taluntais "to ...
    • Raw materials for Irish animal husbandry 

      Johnston, Joseph (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1951)
      There are three possible objectives for agricultural production. One may produce cash crops for direct human consumption. This, of course, involves tillage. One may produce animal products also for human consumption; In ...
    • Report of Council on Mr. Jephson's suggestions as to Census for 1881 

      Ingram, John Kells (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      The Council of this Society have had under their consideration the suggestions in the enclosed paper of Mr. Henry Jephson, read at the Society's meeting on the 17th inst., as to the importance of including in the census ...
    • Some economic objections against the custom of ?fortuning? daughters, that prevails amongst the farming classes in Munster 

      Preston, S. P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1879)
      He who carefully studies the social condition of our agricultural population cannot fail to see many things capable of improvement, in which, if there is to be any improvement at all, it must be initiated within the social ...
    • Suggestions for the simplification of the procedure in relation to the sale of land in Ireland 

      Lynch, Stanislaus J. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1885)
      I am indebted to the Council of your Society for the privilege of submitting for your consideration this evening, some suggestions for the simplification of the procedure in relation to the sale of land in Ireland, and I ...
    • Trends in agricultural development in Europe and Ireland 

      Attwood, E. A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1963)
      The most widely accepted economic argument in favour of Irish membership of an enlarged European Economic Community is that it will lead to a big increase in our earnings from the export of agricultural products. This, ...