Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Abstract of a paper on "Railway reform, or the policy of the purchase and management by the British Government of the railways of the United Kingdom" 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1865)
      Several passages were quoted from a valuable treatise by Mr. William Galt, of London, printed originally for private circulation, but now about to be published, which advocates the policy of having all the railways of the ...
    • Government purchase of railways in Ireland: how can it be accomplished? 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      For the last four years the people of Ireland have had under their consideration the policy of having the Irish railways purchased by the government, and worked in future at the lowest possible tariff for the benefit of ...
    • On the Bank Charter Act of 1844 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1856)
      Since the passing of the Bank Restriction Act in 1797, nearly two hundred statutes have been enacted by the British Parliament, bearing wholly or partly on the subjects of Banking, Bankers, and the Currency; being an ...
    • On the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1853)
      In venturing to direct the attention of this Society, for a short time, to certain provisions of law which now regulate the relation between landlord and tenant in this country, I feel that I am dealing with a subject ...
    • On the relation between landlord and tenant in Ireland 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Dublin Statistical Society, 1853)
      In venturing to direct the attention of this Society, for a short time, to certain provisions of law which now regulate the relation between landlord and tenant in this country, I feel that I am dealing with a subject ...