Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Child mortality in Dublin 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      The high rate of mortality among young children as compared with the general death-rate for the whole population has attracted the attention of all vital statisticians since accurate records of births and deaths have ...
    • Irish progress during the past ten years, 1881-1890 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1891)
      We have just come to the end of the decade, 1881-90; the census has been taken, we have available nearly all the information as to progress during the year 1890, which is capable of statistical treatment, and accordingly ...
    • Notes on the statistics of waste lands in Ireland 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      In consequence of many published statements by public speakers, newspaper writers, essayists, and writers in reviews, with reference to the relative amount of Irish land which is out of use, I have thought it advisable to ...
    • On some comparative statistics of Irish counties, compiled from the returns obtained during the late census and the census of 1841, and other publications issued by the General Register Office of Ireland 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
      In the following statement I wish to bring under review a number of statistics which I have arranged since the completion of the Census of 1881. These statistics are not altogether derived from the census reports, but are ...
    • President's address 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1890)
      The Agricultural Statistics of Ireland were, as you are aware, from my last year's address, first systematically collected in the year 1847, immediately after the famine. They were, like all new undertakings, not as ...
    • A statistical survey of Ireland, from 1840 to 1888. 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      An examination of the table will show that it naturally divides itself into several principal parts, namely:? I.?Population, Vital Statistics, Area and Valuation. II.?Agriculture. III.?Trade and Manufactures. IV.?Capital, ...