Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Information Avoidance in multi-agent systems 

      ICASP14; Pozzi, Matteo; Blum, Avrim; Balcan, Maria-Florina; Lin, Chaochao (2023)
      This paper introduces a framework of assessing the Value of Information (VoI) for systems managed by multiple agents. The system is composed of some binary components, each managed by one agent. Each agent can decide to ...
    • Sequential decision making in infrastructure planning under uncertain climate change predictions 

      ICASP14; Pozzi, Matteo; Adams, Peter; Lai, Yuchuan (2023)
      Engineering decisions, as those related to infrastructure planning, face challenges due to the uncertain climate change predictions. Instead of a rigid planning scheme, an alternative is to utilize an adaptive framework, ...
    • Value of more accurate urban weather prediction in the day-ahead energy market 

      Pozzi, Matteo; Bergés, Mario; ICASP14; Choi, Byeongseong (2023)
      Urban heat significantly influences human comfort and leads to additional energy use for space-cooling in built environments. The building sector has a high potential for cost savings and emission reduction by improving ...