Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Effectuation 10 Year Waypoint 

      Read, Stuart; Dolmans, Sharon (Senate HallDublin, 2012)
      As a concept, effectuation celebrated its tenth birthday in 2011. We use the milestone to look back at the work done to date and to look forward to new questions and issues. What we see is an idea that has added shape to ...
    • Microfoundations for New Market Creation: Differences between Expert Entrepreneurs and Expert Managers 

      Dew, Nicholas; Read, Stuart; Sarasvathy, Saras D.; Wiltbank, Robert (Senate HallDublin, 2018)
      Within the growing literature on new market development, much work focuses on the industry, competition and firm units of analysis. In this paper we complement these understandings of how new markets unfold with research ...
    • The Choice to Become an Entrepreneur as a Response to Policy Incentives 

      Ramesh, Anusha; Dew, Nicholas; Read, Stuart; Sarasvathy, Saras D (Senate HallDublin, 2018)
      Attempting to stimulate economic growth, governments have developed a host of entrepreneurial policy incentives. Yet such incentives have not been evaluated in terms of their attractiveness to high potential entrepreneurs ...