Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Explanation, Justification, and Egalitarianism 

      Spafford, Jesse (2021)
      This paper argues that the philosophy of explanation can help inform core debates in value theory. Specifically, it argues that there is a consistent parallelism between the properties of explanation and the properties of ...
    • Foundational Grounding and Creaturely Freedom 

      Pearce, Kenneth (2021)
      The argument from contingency for the existence of God is best understood as a request for an explanation of the total sequence of causes and effects in the universe (‘History’ for short). Many puzzles about how there could ...
    • SEMinR: Domain-specific language for building, estimating, and visualizing structural equation models in R 

      Danks, Nicholas (The Comprehensive R Archive Network, 2021)
      SEMinR allows researchers to easily create, estimate, and visualize structural equation models (SEMs) for multiple estimation methods. SEMs are popular modeling techniques in social sciences and the life sciences, and ...