Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Are We Free to Break the Laws of Providence? 

      Pearce, Kenneth (2020)
      Can I be free to perform an action if God has decided to ensure that I do not choose that action? I show that Molinists and simple foreknowl- edge theorists are committed to answering in the affirmative. This is problematic ...
    • Determination from Above 

      Silver, Kenneth (2023)
      There are many historical concerns about freedom that have come to be deemphasized in the free will litera- ture itself—for instance, worries around the tyranny of government or the alienation of capitalism. It is hard ...
    • Foundational Grounding and Creaturely Freedom 

      Pearce, Kenneth (2021)
      The argument from contingency for the existence of God is best understood as a request for an explanation of the total sequence of causes and effects in the universe (‘History’ for short). Many puzzles about how there could ...