Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Child mortality in Dublin 

      Grimshaw, Thomas Wrigley (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1889)
      The high rate of mortality among young children as compared with the general death-rate for the whole population has attracted the attention of all vital statisticians since accurate records of births and deaths have ...
    • The dependence of national wealth on the social and sanatory state of the labouring classes 

      Hogan, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1849)
      In the year 1841, public attention was called to the duration of infantile life in the North Dublin Union Workhouse; about the same period Mr. Willis was elected a guardian, and he entered on his duties impressed with ...
    • Infant mortality and the Notification of Births Acts, 1907, 1915 

      Lawson, William (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1919)
      This subject was referred to in a paper on "Child Life as a National Asset," read before the Society by Mr. Shannon Millin on December 17th, 1915, but as a good deal of information on the subject was forthcoming ...
    • Infant mortality in the city of Belfast 

      Deeny, James; Murdock, Eric T. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1944)
      Within recent years attention in the North has been drawn to the high mortality rate in Belfast and, as a result, considerable interest in now being shown in the matter of child health. How serious is the situation ...