Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The Ads/CFT spectrum via Integrability-based algorithms 

      MARBOE, CHRISTIAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2017)
      The spectral problem of the AdS/CFT correspondence is believed to be integrable in the planar limit. The Quantum Spectral Curve captures the underlying mathematical structure in a relatively simple Riemann-Hilbert problem. ...
    • Water waves and Integrability 

      IVANOV, ROSSEN (Royal Society, 2007)
      The Euler?s equations describe the motion of inviscid fluid. In the case of shallow water, when a perturbative asymtotic expansion of the Euler?s equations is taken (to a certain order of smallness of the scale parameters), ...
    • Yang-Baxter integrable open quantum systems 

      Paletta, Chiara (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2023)
      The main result of this thesis is the use of the boost operator to develop a systematic method to construct new integrable spin chains with nearest-neighbour interaction and characterized by an R-matrix of non-difference ...