Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • A dynamic model of the Irish economy 

      Quinlan, P. M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1962)
      The present paper is the result of a spare-time study over the past three years, first on the effects of increased production in agriculture on all other sectors of our economy, and more recently on the combined effects ...
    • Economic management in Ireland post-EMU: Ireland?s potential within EMU 

      Geoghegan, Brian (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1999)
      A tendency to seriousness is not usually a characteristic associated with the Irish but our national image may be in the process of being redefined as we treat the management of success with almost as much caution and worry ...
    • Economic management in Ireland post-EMU: policy implications of globalisation and regionalisation 

      Bradley, John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1999)
      In today?s increasingly globalised economy, it is something of a paradox that while policy-making autonomy is being progressively ceded by states to supranational organisations, regions within nation states have also begun ...
    • Foreword by Professor Dermot McAleese on the occasion of his presidential address 

      McAleese, Dermot (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1998)
      This is a good year to be celebrating the 150th anniversary of our Society! The Irish economy continues to boom and prospects remain bright. At first many were sceptical about the Celtic Tiger (as Morgan Stanley christened ...
    • Openness and growth: an international perspective 

      Pain, Nigel (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2001)
      International openness via the pursuit of liberal trade and investment policies has become one of the conventional verities of the policy advice handed out by multilateral institutions over the past two decades. Greater ...
    • Reflections on the process of Irish economic growth 

      Kennedy, Kieran A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 2001)
      The most remarkable feature of the so-called Celtic Tiger has been the extraordinary growth in employment. In a short period, this has transformed the economy from a situation of chronic labour surplus to one with labour scarcity.
    • Symposium on economic development 

      O Nuallain, Labhras; Black, R. D. Collison; Thompson, S. F.; Nevin, Donal; O'Keefe, P. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1959)
      I must, at the outset, congratulate Mr. Whitaker on succeeding, where others have failed, in arousing the authorities, both Governmental and Departmental, to the urgent necessity for a systematic programme of economic ...
    • Trade, growth and the role of demand - neoclassical and Keynesian explanations of Ireland's post war growth experience 

      McHugh, Deirdre (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1985)
      This paper examines the nature of the trade growth relationship in post war Ireland. We consider two major theoretical approaches, the Neoclassical and the Keynesian, attempting to identify and contrast the key features ...