Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Baronial guarantees under ?The Tramways Act, 1883?. 

      Bailey, William F. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1884)
      Anyone who has watched the progress of business at the last spring assizes in Ireland, must have been struck by the interest exhibited in, and the time and attention devoted to the question of the construction of tramways ...
    • Government purchase of railways in Ireland: how can it be accomplished? 

      Greer, Samuel M. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      For the last four years the people of Ireland have had under their consideration the policy of having the Irish railways purchased by the government, and worked in future at the lowest possible tariff for the benefit of ...
    • Railway rates 

      Eason, Charles (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1883)
      A great deal of discontent is felt by traders, and by the general public, with the charges made by railway companies for the carriage of goods and passengers. It is alleged: That trade is injured by excessive rates, which ...
    • The relation of the state to the railways 

      Murphy, Joseph John (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      A notion, however, appears still to exist, that State intervention for the purpose of making railways more useful would be "a relaxation of the strict principles of political economy, to be justified, if at all, only ...
    • Tramway legislation, with suggestions for promoting steam tramways in Ireland 

      Walker, John A. (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1882)
      I propose in the present paper to point out the legislation which has taken place for the promotion of tramways on country roads in Ireland. I do not propose to touch upon those Acts that have been passed by private companies ...