Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Finite State Temporality and Context-Free Languages 

      VOGEL, CARL (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2013)
      In the finite-state temporality approach, events in natural language semantics have been characterized in regular languages, with strings representing sequences of temporal observations. We extend this approach to natural ...
    • Mundane emotions: Losing yourself in boredom, time and technology 

      Murphy, Stephen (2023)
      Marketing and consumer research has drawn attention to the positive and joyful emotional features of consumer tribes. However, research has little to say on boredom, an emotional state already prevalent in consumers’ lives, ...
    • Prior Probabilities of Allen Interval Relations over Finite Orders 

      Vogel, Carl; Fernando, Rafael (2019)
      The probability that intervals are related by a particular Allen relation is calculated relative to sample spaces Ωn given by the number n of, in one case, points, and, in another, interval names. In both cases, worlds ...
    • Temporal Dependence in Legal Documents 

      Tasks and difficulties inherent in the largely open problem of temporal information extraction from legal text are outlined. We demonstrate the efficacy of tools and concepts available ?off-the-shelf? and suggest refinements ...