Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Electron densities in Jupiter's polar regions from the identification of Ordinary-mode wave cutoffs 

      Sulaiman, A. H.; Santolí­k, O.; Allegrini, F.; Kurth, W. S.; Lysak, R. L.; Elliott, S. S.; Bolton, S. J.; Menietti, J. D. (2023)
      The electron density is a critical parameter for understanding auroral processes; namely, electron acceleration via Alfvénic dissipation, electrostatic acceleration, as well as the generation and propagation of radio and ...
    • Evidence of fresh injections related to the interchange instability in the Io torus 

      Kurth, W. S.; Hospodarsky, G. B.; Faden, J. B.; Sulaiman, A. H; Mauk, B. H.; Clark, G.; Allegrini, F.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Bolton, S. J. (2023)
      The Juno Waves instrument often detects brief, band-limited emissions when the spacecraft crosses magnetic fields threading Io's M-shell, or vicinity thereof, up to about 35 degrees magnetic latitude. The disturbances have ...
    • Jupiter Long Dispersion Lightning Whistlers that propagate through the Io torus: Juno Observations 

      Hospodarsky, G. B.; Milne, A. J.; Kurth, W. S.; Imai, M.; Kolmasová, I.; Santolík, O.; Connerney, J. E. P.; Bolton, S. J. (2023)
      The detection of lightning whistlers in planetary magnetospheres can provide valuable information about the properties of both the source lightning, and the plasma environment along the whistler propagation path. The Juno ...
    • Plasma waves in the very local interstellar medium: a brief review 

      Kurth, W. S.; Granroth, L. J. (2023)
      The Plasma Wave Science instruments on the two Voyager spacecraft are providing observations of plasma waves in the very local interstellar medium. One of the most important aspects of these observations are the inferred ...
    • The peak frequency source of Saturn's kilometric radiation 

      Lamy, L.; Prangé, P.; Morooka, M.; Kurth, W. S.; Taubenschuss, U. (2023)
      In 2016-2017, the Cassini spacecraft explored the source regions of Saturn0s Kilometric Radiation (SKR) within the kronian polar magnetosphere before ultimately plunging into the upper atmosphere of the planet. This powerful, ...