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dc.contributor.authorMillán, Ana
dc.contributor.authorMillán, José Maríaen
dc.contributor.authorRomán, Concepciónen
dc.contributor.authorvan Stel, Andréen
dc.identifier.citationAna Millán, José María Millán, Concepción Román, André van Stel, 'Determinants of the Own-Account Worker's Decision to Hire Employees: A Review', Senate Hall, 2015, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 129-142
dc.description.abstractGiven the increasing numbers of own-account workers in many European economies, an important question for policy makers is to what extent these own-account workers move on to become employers. Yet, empirical research on job creation by own-account workers hardly exists. This paper reviews a small stream of empirical literature which, by using the European Community Household Panel (ECHP), focuses on the determinants of the own-account worker's decision to hire employees. At the individual level, our review suggests the importance of both human capital and liquidity constraints for the decision of hiring employees. At an aggregated level, we find that own-account workers are less likely to hire employees during recessions. Finally, we also detect the importance of some factors at the environmental and institutional level such as a higher education level of employees and consumers, a higher expenditure on employment incentives and a lower degree of employment protection. The evidence from our review may be useful for governments aiming to create a more enabling micro- and macro-environment for employment growth. Keywords: own-account worker, employer, self-employment, hiring, job creation, Europeen
dc.publisherSenate Hallen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInternational Review of Entrepreneurshipen
dc.relation.haspartVol. 13, Issue 2, 2015eng
dc.sourceInternational Review of Entrepreneurship
dc.subjectown-account worker|employer|self-employment|hiring|job creation|Europeen
dc.titleDeterminants of the Own-Account Worker's Decision to Hire Employees: A Review
dc.typeJournal article
dc.description.affiliationAna Millán (Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain), José María Millán and Concepción Román (University of Huelva, Spain), and André van Stel (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Kozminski University, Warsaw, Poland)

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