Now showing items 11-30 of 68

    • Automorphic Symmetries, String integrable structures and Deformations 

      Pribitoks, Antons (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      We address the novel structures arising in quantum and string integrable theories, as well as construct methods to obtain them and provide further analysis. Specifically, we implement the automorphic symmetries on ...
    • Black holes and string theory : selected topics 

      Kennedy, Conall (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2001)
      This thesis is divided into three parts. In Part I the concept of holography in the context of the Maldacena conjecture and the three-dimensional black hole of Banados, Teitelboim and Zanelli (BTZ) is studied. In particular, ...

      AIDOO, NICHOLAS (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      Given a sum of squares domain of finite D'
    • CFTs on Riemann surfaces of genus g ≥ 1 

      Leitner, Marianne (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2014)
      The purpose of this thesis is to argue that N-point functions of holomorphic fields in rational conformal field theories can be calculated by methods from algebraic geometry. We establish explicit formulae for the 2-point ...
    • Charmed tetraquarks from lattice QCD 

      THORNTON, BARRY WILLIAM (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2018)
    • Coherent states and classical radiative observables in the S-matrix formalism 

      Gonzo, Riccardo (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      In this thesis, we study classical radiative observables perturbatively in terms of on-shell scattering amplitudes. In particular, we focus primarily on the two-body problem in gauge and gravitational theories by using an ...
    • Comparing the excitations of the periodic flux tube with effective string models. 

      Maresca, Francesca (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2005)
      The spectrum of a periodic flux tube in pure SU(3) Yang-Mills theory is evaluated non-perturbatively through computations on the lattice in the region from intermediate to long distances (1.5 < L < 4 fm ). For these flux ...
    • Complexity of Holographic Flavours and causality in QFTs with Gauss-Bonnet dual 

      GARCIA ABAD, FRANCISCO JOSE (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      This thesis is the compilation of two different projects undertaken during my PhD programme. Chapter 2 covers the work on quantum complexity. Quantum complexity of a thermofield double state in a strongly coupled quantum ...
    • Computational and mathematical aspects of Feynman integrals 

      HIDDING, MARTIJN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis covers a number of different research projects which are all connected to the central topic of computing Feynman integrals efficiently through analytic methods. Improvements in our ability to evaluate Feynman ...
    • Conformal Bootstrap and Black Holes in AdS/CFT 

      Karlsson, Johan Robin (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      In this thesis, we explore applications of the conformal bootstrap to holographic CFTs that are dual to theories of gravity in asymptotically Anti-de Sitter spacetimes. In particular, we consider correlation functions with ...
    • Conformal bootstrap and thermalization in holographic CFTs 

      Tadic, Petar (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis covers a number of topics in conformal field theories that are supposed to have gravity duals according to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We use the conformal bootstrap in the Regge and lightcone limits as the ...
    • CR Singularities in condimension 2 

      Burcea, Valentin Daniel (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2013)
      In this thesis we study the real submanifolds of codimension 2 in a complex manifold near a CR singularity. The thesis has 3 chapters. In Chapter 1 we shall make a small introduction where we will remind some basic notions ...
    • Cₒ(X)-structure in C*-algebras, multiplier algebras and tensor products 

      McConnell, David (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      We begin in Chapter 2 with an introduction to the various notions of a bundle of C*-algebras that have appeared throughout the literature, and clarify the definitions of upper- and lower-semicontinuous C*-bundles not ...
    • Decay widths from Euclidean quantum field theory a scalar model and applications to QCD 

      Nolan, Andrew (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2009)
      Lüscher provided a method by which the Euclidean correlation function, used in lattice field theories, can be used to evaluate the scattering phase shift, side-stepping the Maiani-Testa Theorem. This result is explored in ...
    • Discrete exterior calculus with applications to flows and spinors 

      De Beaucé, Vivien (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2005)
    • Duality and domains in supersymmetric gauge theories 

      Aspman, Johannes Bengt (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      This thesis investigates duality properties of four-dimensional N = 2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. By restricting the domain of the effective coupling to an appropriate fundamental domain the order parameter on the ...
    • Efficient coding of sensory stimuli 

      Greene, Garrett (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2011)
      An important goal of mathematical neuroscience is to understand the coding principles governing the behaviour of sensory systems under stimulation. Here, we investigate the theory of efficient coding in nenral sensory ...
    • Elements of an operator calculus 

      Hughes, Arthur (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2001)
      The operational calculus developed by the Irish School of the Vienna Development Method (VDM) has a life of its own independent of its applications. This thesis is interested in the operational calculus that arose from the ...
    • Exploring efficient methods for precision QCD calculations on the lattice 

      Bushnaq, Lucius Nabil (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2023)
      We study a new technique for stochastic noise reduction in the calculation of propagators by implementing it in OpenQ*D for two ensembles with O(a) improved Wilson fermion ac- tion, with periodic boundary conditions and ...
    • Extending geometric discretisation 

      Sen, Samik (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2002)
      Geometric discretisation (GD) [1] is a novel approach capable of capturing topological properties, based on a correspondence between discrete objects and operations on a triangulation with continuum ones on a manifold. We ...