Now showing items 41-60 of 68

    • A dynamical study of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional in lattice QCD 

      Brida, Mattia Dalla (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      In this work, we present first results from dynamical simulations of the chirally rotated Schrödinger functional (SF) in lattice QCD. More specifically, we discuss the determination of renormalization constants of ...
    • Spectral functions from lattice QCD at finite temperature 

      Harris, Tim (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2015)
      An investigation of the bottonionium spectrum above and below the QCD deconfinement crossover temperature, Tc, was performed using a non-relativistic treatment of the heavy quark on anisotropic lattices with Nf = 2 + 1 ...
    • The Ads/CFT spectrum via Integrability-based algorithms 

      MARBOE, CHRISTIAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2017)
      The spectral problem of the AdS/CFT correspondence is believed to be integrable in the planar limit. The Quantum Spectral Curve captures the underlying mathematical structure in a relatively simple Riemann-Hilbert problem. ...
    • Pion-pion scattering amplitudes and timelike pion form factor from Nf=2+1 Lattice QCD 

      Hörz, Ben (Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). School of Mathematics, 2017)
      We study isovector pion-pion scattering and extract the electromagnetic pion form factor in the timelike region from Nf = 2 + 1 Lattice QCD ensembles at a single lattice spacing and two pion masses mπ = 200MeV and mπ = ...
    • Form Factors, Integrability and the AdS/CFT Correspondence 

      GEROTTO, LORENZO (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2018)
      Form factors are matrix elements of local operators between scattering states, and are interesting off-shell objects in any QFT. In this thesis we will focus on the world-sheet theory describing strings in AdS5xS5, the ...
    • Charmed tetraquarks from lattice QCD 

      THORNTON, BARRY WILLIAM (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2018)
    • Higher Spin Theories in Twistor Space 

      HÄHNEL, PHILIPP (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2018)
      In this thesis we formulate an action principle for conformal higher spin theory on twistor space. For this theory, and for a unitary sub-sector that we identify, we construct an MHV amplitude expansion by considering ...
    • On the Symanzik improvement of gradient flow observables 

      RUBEO, ARGIA (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      The gradient flow provides a new class of renormalised observables which can be measured with high precision in lattice simulations. This is relevant for many interesting applications. However, such applications are made ...
    • String breaking from Lattice QCD with Nf=2+1 dynamical fermions 

      KOCH, VANESSA (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the static potential V (r) is defined as the energy of the ground state of the system containing a static quark and a static antiquark, separated by a distance r. As a consequence of confinement, ...
    • The associative filtration of the dendriform operad 

      ALGHAMDI, NORAH MOHAMMED (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      The associative filtration of the dendriform operad Norah Mohammed Alghamdi A dendriform algebra is a vector space V with two binary operations denoted < and > that satisfy the following three algebraic properties for all ...
    • Complexity of Holographic Flavours and causality in QFTs with Gauss-Bonnet dual 

      GARCIA ABAD, FRANCISCO JOSE (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      This thesis is the compilation of two different projects undertaken during my PhD programme. Chapter 2 covers the work on quantum complexity. Quantum complexity of a thermofield double state in a strongly coupled quantum ...
    • Modern aspects of topological gauge theories - Polynomial invariants and mock modular forms 

      KORPAS, GEORGIOS (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In this dissertation we present new results in the field of topologically twisted gauge theories evaluated on compact four-manifolds without boundary. We focus on the Donaldson-Witten theory, that is the N = 2 topologically ...
    • Towards Excited Radiative Transitions in Charmonium 

      O'HARA, CIAN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2019)
      In this thesis lattice QCD is utilised to investigate the spectrum of charmonium and charmed mesons with the aim of working towards investigating radiative transitions between excited states in the charmonium spectrum. ...
    • Homotopical and effective methods for associative algebras 

      Tamaroff, Pedro Nicolas (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis contains four main chapters based on four different papers. In the third chapter, we solve the problem of computing the minimal model of an arbitrary associative monomial algebra. Our methods are combinatorial ...

      AIDOO, NICHOLAS (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      Given a sum of squares domain of finite D'
    • Integrable systems, separation of variables and the Yang-Baxter equation 

      Ryan, Paul (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis is based on the author’s publications during the course of his PhD studies and focuses on various aspects of the field of quantum integrable systems. The aim of this thesis is to develop the so-called separation ...
    • Computational and mathematical aspects of Feynman integrals 

      HIDDING, MARTIJN (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis covers a number of different research projects which are all connected to the central topic of computing Feynman integrals efficiently through analytic methods. Improvements in our ability to evaluate Feynman ...
    • Conformal bootstrap and thermalization in holographic CFTs 

      Tadic, Petar (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2021)
      This thesis covers a number of topics in conformal field theories that are supposed to have gravity duals according to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We use the conformal bootstrap in the Regge and lightcone limits as the ...
    • Automorphic Symmetries, String integrable structures and Deformations 

      Pribitoks, Antons (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      We address the novel structures arising in quantum and string integrable theories, as well as construct methods to obtain them and provide further analysis. Specifically, we implement the automorphic symmetries on ...
    • Coherent states and classical radiative observables in the S-matrix formalism 

      Gonzo, Riccardo (Trinity College Dublin. School of Mathematics. Discipline of Pure & Applied Mathematics, 2022)
      In this thesis, we study classical radiative observables perturbatively in terms of on-shell scattering amplitudes. In particular, we focus primarily on the two-body problem in gauge and gravitational theories by using an ...