Now showing items 98-106 of 106

    • Report of Council at opening of Thirty-fourth Session 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      The Council joined with the Town Council of Dublin in inviting the Social Science Congress to meet in Dublin in 1881, and the invitation has been accepted. The Council invite the co-operation of all the residents in Dublin ...
    • The report of Council at the opening of the thirtieth session 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1876)
      The Council joined with the Town Council, and the authorities of Trinity College, and of other societies in Dublin, in the invitation, which has been accepted, to the British Association for the Advancement of Science, to ...
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the Twentieth Session 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1867)
      At the commencement of this, the Twentieth Session of our Society, we feel much pleasure in congratulating you on its continued progress, and the success which has attended its efforts in promoting the great social and ...
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the twenty fourth session 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1871)
      The Council have to report the progress of the Society as indicated by the importance and practical character of the papers read and subjects discussed during the past session.
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the twenty-ninth session of the Society 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1875)
      Three out of the six ordinary meetings were devoted to the important subject of Local Government. Mr. Joseph T. Pim read a paper on ?Municipal Government and Taxation?, a matter of growing importance, having regard to the ...
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the Twenty-second Session 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1869)
      The Council of this Society have now, at the commencement of the twenty-second session of its existence, to offer to you some account of its proceedings during the past year. In interest they compare not unfavourably with ...
    • Report of the Council at the opening of the twenty-sixth session of the Society 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1873)
      The Council have much pleasure in submitting the following report to the members. During the past session some important papers were read on Jurisprudence, The President read a paper on the ?Practicability of Codifying ...
    • Report on amendment of the law as to ruined houses in towns 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1876)
      The Council of the Charity Organisation Society of London having entered into the subject of the defective state of houses in London, and had a committee of inquiry, and having made representations to the government on the ...
    • What the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland has effected (1847-1880) 

      SSISI (Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, 1881)
      Without referring to the dissemination of sound statistical knowledge and a knowledge of Political Economy, and the correction of erroneous impressions, and the saving of waste of capital by discouraging such enterprises ...